Monday, March 3, 2014

February Totally Useless Stitch Along Update

And now for something completely different - my progress on my ORT collection (that's odd ratty threads to you lay people) for the Totally Useless Stitch Along.

This stitch along is particularly fun because there's no pressure - just post your collection - that's it!

Until next time, friends!

February Smalls Stitch Along

Finally finished!  For my Smalls SAL check in, I'm happy to submit the piece I've been stitching every change I had over the last 3 days (I started the project about 10 days ago).  The TARDIS took a long time - but it's completed now!

This was stitched for the daughter of a friend of mine - she's a big fan of David Tennant and Billie Piper.  I hope she enjoys this as much as I enjoyed stitching it!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February WIP Progress!!

I had high hopes for February...maybe March will be more productive!

I have two major projects going on, and I feel like I'm neglecting one when I'm working on the other.  I suppose I'll get over that one day.  I have so many projects in my stash, but I don't like to have too many going at one time.  I wonder if I'll ever get through it all?

Progress on one of them, though - here's Feasting Frenzy before:

And after - this beautiful blue jay was time consuming, but well worth it:

There's a TON of back-stitching to be done on this whole project, but I'm waiting until the end to do all of it at once.  Mistake?  We'll see!!

Here's the before AND after on the Hugging Penguins - no progress there this month.

I've also charted the small Doctor Who sampler, and hoping to start - and finish - that one pretty quickly.

Until next month, friends!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2014: Current Projects

Here's a list of my current projects.  I have what I consider to be 2 major ones that I'm working, as well as one smaller project.

Dimensions Feasting Frenzy

I started the Feasting Frenzy in January 2013 - it's intended to be a gift for my mother.  I missed her birthday last year - maybe I'll get it completed this year?  I have until mid-June...

Dimensions Hugging Penguins Stocking

I also started this stocking in January 2013, and intended to have it completed for this past Christmas for my middle daughter.  Nope - didn't happen.  Turns out I much prefer cross stitch to needlepoint, and so poor little C must wait another year for her stocking.  I HOPE!!

Here are a few more smaller projects that I'm hoping to start (and finish!) pretty quickly:

weelittlestitches - The Eleven Doctors and The Doctor's Companions

I'm actually planning a combination of these two for the daughter of a friend of mine.  She's a huge fan of David Tennant's Doctor and Rose Tyler.  I thought it would be fun to re-chart just those two characters, plus the TARDIS.

tinymodernist - Office Sweet Office

For my desk at work.  Tehehe.

I have many others in my stash, but I really hope to complete the two major projects I have going on before starting another big project.

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

First Post!!

After seeing many stitch-along (SAL) sites that require/recommend the use of a blog, I've decided to jump in and get on board.  I'm in desperate need of some motivation to finish up my works-in-progress (WIPs), and am hopeful this will help!

Stay tuned for photos of my WIPs - I have two major projects going on right now, both of which I hope to have completed by the end of the year...or earlier!

I hope you enjoy.